Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Announcing Riley Nelson

Greg Wrubell has invited Riley Nelson to join him in the broadcast booth announcing BYU football games. Could there be a better job?

Nelson played for BYU during the 2009-2012 football seasons. He threw for 3913 yards and rushed for 793. He broke ribs, defenders ankles and high fived a referee. He played intense, ran hard and would not take himself out of a game, which may have cost BYU some games but Mendenhall loved his grit.

How does this translate into the broadcast booth? Nelson will be colorful, insightful and may step on Wrubell's toes a bit. But Nelson is good on radio, good with interviews and is a football junkie.

From his twitter account, "I could not be more excited about this opp. To be able to be part of every game day again and to be part of sharing the great BYU football moments to come with Cougar Nation!!! Now these 100 days need to go quick so we can get to kickoff!"

Welcome to the broadcast booth Riley, you get to work with a legend. Don't muff it.

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